marketing videos, Online Video, Content marketing Hilo Motion Pictures LLC marketing videos, Online Video, Content marketing Hilo Motion Pictures LLC

How to Create a Video-Centric Content Marketing Plan

Have you been tired yet of hearing ‘2020 is the year of videos’? Even with the new social norms in place, a Video Marketing plan can help you through the troubled times. To create an effective Video-Centric Content Marketing Plan, though, you need to first have an idea and a plan in place so that the content is consistent.

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Marketing Trends and Effects from COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

As it turns out, COVID-19 or the novel Coronavirus has literally put the world into a pause mode. Everything appears to be different, almost the slower version of itself. For those who have been used to various marketing methods, especially ones in video marketing, are discovering new trends. Marketing, in itself, is the name of field that requires constant reinventions.

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Video marketing, Online Video, marketing videos, COVID-19 Hilo Motion Pictures LLC Video marketing, Online Video, marketing videos, COVID-19 Hilo Motion Pictures LLC

8 Creative Video Survival Tactics During COVID-19

Getting creative in a crisis

During this time of unprecedented disruption, the team at Studio B is wishing all our clients and partners health in life and business. Here, we’re practicing safe communications by scaling back our operations that involve in-person contact to minimize the risk to our team and clients. The good news is this does not require a halt to marketing and communications through video, rather a different approach to the medium. Consider these alternative approaches to video and/or communications projects you may have in the works:

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Video marketing, Online Video, marketing videos Hilo Motion Pictures LLC Video marketing, Online Video, marketing videos Hilo Motion Pictures LLC

Why you need a video for your online product!

Product video production has come along way in the past 20 years.  I am constantly bombarded with inquiries for product videos crossed with lifestyle concepts.  Most of them being completely “non lifestyle” related.   That said, I have had to really start thinking “outside the box” when it comes to product, e-commerce and amazon video productions.

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Video marketing, Online Video, marketing videos, Content marketing Hilo Motion Pictures LLC Video marketing, Online Video, marketing videos, Content marketing Hilo Motion Pictures LLC

Are the rules of video editing and graphics changing?

The process of video editing has constantly progressed from the physical cutting and splicing of film in the old days to the infinite possibilities of computer based non-linear editing. Is it time to change how we do things and is AI making a play in any of our new tech?

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Video marketing, Online Video, marketing videos, Content marketing Hilo Motion Pictures LLC Video marketing, Online Video, marketing videos, Content marketing Hilo Motion Pictures LLC

Publishing Your Videos on YouTube and Social Media

We all focus our efforts on producing our video that we often publish our videos in a hurry - often overlooking so many of the important factors involved in the production of the video. There's a way of publishing videos over YouTube or other social media to have the best impact of a video which involved plenty of pre-production and post-production efforts. it also helps in marketing by reducing the marketing budget, and also making marketing more useful.

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Video marketing, Online Video, marketing videos, aerial video Hilo Motion Pictures LLC Video marketing, Online Video, marketing videos, aerial video Hilo Motion Pictures LLC

DJI Mavic Pro 2 - Camera System Information and New Features

When the DJI Mavic came out, it was about creating a world where anyone could do professional aerial photography and videography, because the pricing was lower and the flying wasn't as hard to learn. it was, in simpler terms, the prosumer drone camera. 

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