Lets Get Started

Part 1: Discovery Process

Our team of dedicated video production professionals at Hilo Motion Pictures is highly motivated and well-versed in every aspect of the video production process. When you choose us as your partner in guiding you through pre-production for your video, you will collaborate with a creative, communicative team committed to maximizing the return on your business investment. Interested in exploring our premium video production services that are designed to assist you in creating compelling and efficient marketing videos? Feel free to peruse our testimonials and view our collection of completed projects to witness how Hilo Motion Pictures has elevated other brands to new heights.

  1. First Things First

We often get questions about how we make our videos. Here's how we typically create a live-action video: It all begins with a contact from a business or person interested in having a video made. They might have a clear vision for the video or just an idea that they need a video. We ask many questions to ensure we grasp what the video needs to succeed, as it's crucial for a business's branding, marketing, and sales efforts. After understanding our client's brand and visualizing the video, we develop a tailored proposal with cost details. Once the client approves the proposal, we start pre-production.

2. Video Concept Development

Video concept development is the core foundation of any successful video production. At The Best Video Production Company, our team of skilled professionals excels in translating your ideas into captivating visual narratives. From brainstorming sessions to storyboard creation, we are dedicated to bringing your creative vision to life on screen. Trust us to be your partner in crafting compelling concepts that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression. Elevate your videos with our unparalleled expertise in video concept development.

*Work With Experts

Collaborate closely with our team of highly experienced professionals in video production at Hilo Motion Pictures. Our committed experts based in Orange County offer a plethora of imaginative ideas and innovative solutions to customize production services that precisely match your unique needs and corporate goals. We firmly stand behind the belief that relying on us for your video production requirements should be an engaging and cooperative experience. Our skilled brand videographers are extensively knowledgeable about the most recent trends, technologies, workflows, and platforms within the field. Eager to explore more benefits of partnering with us for outsourcing video production at Hilo Motion Pictures

Reach out today with your production needs. We Answer phones with real people! 100% of the time!

3. Crew Assembly

  • We’ll make sure you have the appropriate crew members working on your project

  • Every one of our crew members are outstanding in their areas of discipline

4. Art Department

  • If your marketing videos require sets to be built, production design, props, decor, makeup, or specialty wardrobe, we will make sure we’ve done the work in pre-production so everything goes off without a hitch in production

5. Budgeting

  • Creating a thorough, realistic budget and sticking to it is key to investing in your business’s future

  • Because the 336 Productions team is very familiar with every element of video production process, we will create an efficient budget for your project