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Amazon Product Listing for new sellers – Why Videos Are Important (101)

The early bird catches the worm, is the saying to follow, when it comes to establishing online dominance. Product videos, although open for sellers, are not often used. The videos can enhance buyer experience and thus provide better sales and lower return rates. The amazon seller video can do that by breaking the barrier of two dimensions and letting you interact with the buyers.

Who Can Use Videos?

There’s an eligibility criterion involving the use of videos in Amazon. You need to have your brand registered to be able to do that. There’s a possible workaround through that, although it doesn’t entirely serve the purpose. Amazon Video Shots is a section that allows you to post videos. It doesn’t serve the purpose in entirety because it doesn’t show up on top of the page. Videos can also be posted in reviews, although that is up to the buyers and not sellers.

Why Use Videos?

Amazon’s algorithm gets a boost when using additional pictures and videos. Not all indulge in amazon video production making the competition smaller, and videos tend to showcase the product in more detail than pictures. It also makes the shopping experience immersive. The base point is that videos do help in getting more sales because of better metrics, and richer user experience.

Types of Videos

There are a few types of videos regularly used by brands to showcase their product in more detail. These are:

Product Highlight Videos

These videos help buyers go through the main features of the product in an audio-visual medium instead of them having to read down the list. Suppose you are selling a refrigerator. The amazon seller video will contain features like: ‘double door, reversible door, silent operation, energy-efficient’ etc. Every USP of the product is mentioned in the video to draw the buyer’s attention, and thus help improve sales.

Customer Experience Videos

There’s nothing more useful than displaying the usability of a device. Do you want to sell a product like a mini-refrigerator? Then showcase its usefulness and features by placing it in actual surroundings. Products like a hands-free car kit, etc., are best displayed by showcasing its usage in a video form. It helps grab more eyeballs, while also helping people relate to the problem and its solution. 

Explainer Videos – The best amazon seller video

Product explainer videos are still the go-to video format to explain how a product functions. For example, ‘why is the air purifier superior’ (to others, without mentioning) can be shown by employing an explainer video format to the footage. The same could be true describing how certain novel features of a gadget pan-out.

360 Videos

Often, 360 videos are the difference between high returns and reduced returns. How you may ask? 360 videos are the only feature that showcases the product in its entirety. The light and camera stay the same in a 360 video, and hence the trust quotient remains high. The buyer receives what he or she ordered, and hence chances of returns turn out to be really low. 

Amazon video production will be a quality addition for you if you intend to continue selling on amazon with better returns. You can also insure your future on amazon by incorporating videos in the listings. 

How Can We Help?

Beyond what we have suggested above, we are open to other suggestions. Safety and collaboration are our top priorities. We want to keep creating quality videos for our clients, whatever it takes, Hilo pictures is ready to help you find a solution for a COVID-19 World.


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